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Who can see my work on Kubrio?
Who can see my work on Kubrio?

Choose who sees your work: just you, Kubrio friends, or everyone! Kubrio checks public stuff to keep things awesome and safe for all.

Vlad from Kubrio avatar
Written by Vlad from Kubrio
Updated over a week ago

Hey there, Kubrio learner! When you finish a quest, you can decide who sees your fantastic work. You have three cool options:

  1. Private Mode πŸ•΅οΈ

    • Only you and the Kubrio team can see it

    • Like a secret treasure only you know about!

  2. Network Mode 🌐

    • If approved, other Kubrio users can see your work

    • It's like sharing with your Kubrio classmates

  3. Public Mode 🌟

    • If approved, anyone visiting the Kubrio website can see your work

    • You're basically a star on the Kubrio stage!

What happens next?

  • If you choose Network or Public mode, our friendly Kubrio moderators will check out your work first.

  • They make sure everything is cool and safe to share.

  • If they give a thumbs up, your work becomes visible to others as you choose.

  • If they think it needs to be more ready for sharing, don't worry! It'll stay in Private mode between you and the Kubrio team.

Remember, you're in control of who sees your fabulous creations. Choose wisely and have fun sharing your brilliance with the world (or keeping it your secret superpower)!

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