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How to Solve Quests?

Kubrio Quests: 4-step learning quests. Plan, Learn, Present, Reflect. Level up skills, share experiences, and grow with community support.

Vlad from Kubrio avatar
Written by Vlad from Kubrio
Updated over a week ago

Quests are the building blocks of Kubrio. They're designed to help you level up your skills by honing your expertise and inspiring you to try something new.

There are four steps to solve a Quest:

1. Plan it

2. Do it (Learn it)

3. Present it

4. Reflect

Plan it

What do you want to learn, be able to do, or achieve?

* Spend some time brainstorming what skills sound fun or exciting.

* See if you can find exciting quests already made on those specific skills.

* Ask Kai to help you choose skills or quests if you need something exciting.

* If you can't find any, here is how to create one [link].

Sometimes, friends may inspire you and decide to finish the same quest.

You can join the quest and get ready to learn it whenever you decide.

Create the Success Criteria

Define success for your quest by answering these questions:

- How will you know your quest is successful?

- What will you be able to know or understand?

- What is success? What do you want to deliver? A video, an image, a document?

Do you need an abort criteria?

Sometimes, you get bored, but this shouldn't be discouraging. Answer this question: How will you know it's time to walk away from a quest? If you have a good answer, you can abandon the quest.

Learn It

Find Resources and Support

* Think about where you will need support.

* Check the hints from the quests.

* Check the resources available on the quest.

* Research new resources with Kai, search engines, or YouTube.

Map the Learning Progress

* If the quest is challenging or taking too long, create a timeline to understand how much time you have to reach the success criteria.

* Create checkpoints to help keep you on track.

* Break the Quests into smaller parts if needed.

Dive into your quest and start learning!

Present It

* Time to show your work!

* Upload your results, get feedback, and try to present them during live sessions.

* Sharing your experience with others helps you grow!

Reflect on It

* Think about what you did well and where you can improve.

* Incorporate the feedback from others to make your quest even better next time!

Remember, you can ask Kai for help and support at any time.

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